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CATMuS, common rules for the transcription of medieval roman sources

This site presents the standards commonly built by the CATMuS community (for Consistent Approaches to Transcribing ManuScripts). It lists a number of recommendations concerning the transcription of medieval documents and does not not concerned with earlier phases (segmentation into zones or lines1) or later phases (text normalization, development of abbreviations2).

Site structure

This site is organized into two main sections:

  1. A section that consists of a manual that documents CATMuS transcription practices, here.

  2. A section containing the character table and describing the main characters used by the CATMuS group. A search functions allow you to perform queries on the guidelines.

CATMuS members

The members of the CATMuS project are: Ariane Pinche, Thibault Clérice, Alix Chagué, Jean-Baptiste Camps, Malamatenia Vlachou-Efstathiou, Matthias Gille Levenson, Olivier Brisville-Fertin, Federico Boschetti, Franz Fischer, Michael Gervers, Agnès Boutreux, Avery Manton, Simon Gabay, Wouter Haverals, Mike Kestemont, Caroline Vandyck and Patricia O'Connor.


Ariane Pinche, Thibault Clérice, Alix Chagué, Jean-Baptiste Camps, Malamatenia Vlachou- Efstathiou, et al., CATMuS-Medieval: Consistent Approaches to Transcribing ManuScripts: A generalized set of guidelines and models for Latin scripts from Middle Ages (8th–16th century). 2023. hal-04346939


  1. See SegmOnto's recommendations: Gabay, S., Camps, J.-B., Pinche, A., & Jahan, C. (2021). Segmonto: common vocabulary and practices for analysing the layout of manuscripts (and more). In 16th international conference on document analysis and recognition (ICDAR 2021), et .

  2. See the abbreviation management section.