Catmus logotype

Corrections, additions and functional signs

For in-line corrections, the combination of "⟦" [U+27E6] and "⟧" [U+27E7] MUST be used to encapsulate a legible word marked as crossed out. When the word is not decipherable (because of a stain, an incomplete tracing or any other reason), "⟦" and "⟧" MAY be used without any letter in between ("⟦⟧").

For corrections relying on an interlinear addition:

  • first, the interlinear addition MUST be considered a separate text line, typed accordingly using the SegmOnto vocabulary.
  • second, when a symbol is used in the source to mark where the interlinear addition should be inserted, the insertion symbol MAY be transcribed with "‸" [U+2038].